
Showing posts from February, 2019


Exercise your Civic rights today by casting your votes wisely  and not your boxing rights by flexing your arms  else you might leave with this today!!!👇 Photo Credit: Community Eye Health Journal EYE TRAUMA is a leading cause of visual loss and blindness that frequently affects both young people and old people. It Refers to any injury to the eye. The injury may have been due to mechanical trauma (blunt or penetrating), chemical agents, or radiation (ultraviolet or ionising). CAUSES 1. Blow to the eye 2. Cut or scratch on the eye 3. Chemical burn 1. BLOW TO THE EYE: using a fist, wood, metal, or any object at all. A direct blow to the eye can damage the eyeball, the supporting muscles and ligaments, the eyelid, or the bony eye socket (orbit). 2. CUT OR SCRATCH ON THE EYE: getting poked in the eye with a knife, finger nail, bottle, sand, dust 3. CHEMICAL BURN: • Acid: As a general rule, acids can cause considerable redness and burning but can be washed ou...


Eye injuries in the work place are very  common. Many workers sustain job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. However, safety experts and eye doctors believe the right eye protection can lessen the severity or even prevent 90 percent of these eye injuries. Eye Protection is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) which comes in many types depending upon the threat that is to be reduced  to prevent injury to the eye.   The threats can be small  particles, strong visible light and non-visible rays, biological agents such as blood urine and faeces, wind blast, heat from boiling water or hot oil splash, chemical agents, sea spray or some type of ball used in sports. However, laboratory staffs,  janitorial staffs, and health workers may be at risk of acquiring infectious diseases from eye exposure. Some infectious diseases can be transmitted through the mucous membranes of the eye. This can occur through direct exposure to blood/urine sp...


HEALTHY TIPS ON EYE MAKEUP HABITS Want to make your eyes a bit more dramatic? Mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner can certainly help your eyes stand out giving you a beautiful and more confident look.  But if putting on eye cosmetics is part of your daily routine, you should know about some healthy tips. Eye cosmetics are generally safe materials — as long as you use them properly. Over time, all kinds of things can grow in those pretty little cosmetic packages. Bacteria and fungi can multiply, and if you continue to decorate your eyes with this makeup, you're transferring those germs directly to your eyes. Old habits are hard to break. Sometimes you have been doing your makeup, routine in one way for so long that it seems impossible to change things up. However, some of your makeup habits could be doing more to harm your skin than beautify it. Luckily, it is easy to make small changes in your beauty routine to improve your health in the long run. After all, cosmetic product...


NO SPARE! GIVE YOUR EYES ATTENTION!!! You think you don't have an eye problem because you think you see well. You think your eye does not deserve a comprehensive eye examination by a licensed OPTOMETRIST because you don't experience signs and symptoms like pain, itching, blurry vision, discharge, red eyes .etc. What if what you think is clear vision just isn't clear enough? What if the way you see differs from the way others see? Mmmmm..... This is where a timely regular comprehensive eye examination plays a vital role in the health of your eyes. Regardless of your age or status a timely, annual comprehensive eye examination will help detect any abnormality at their early stage before vision is lost. Moreover 3 out of 4 cases of blindness could have been prevented if detected earlier. A timely, comprehensive eye examination not only determines your prescription for spectacle or  contact lenses, but will also check for common eye diseases like glaucoma, catara...


HEALTHY CONTACT LENS HABITS, ZERO INFECTIONS Have you ever thought about the complications of unhealthy contact lens hygiene habits? Complications ranging from mild to severe eye infections with signs and symptoms of itching, red eyes, pain, light sensitivity, tearing, discharge, dry eye, blur vision, puffy eyes, and even blindness. Whether worn for corrective or cosmetic purpose, the following healthy tips should be adhered to avoid eye infections: 1. Purchase your lens from a qualified optometrist and go for regular check-up. 2. Do not use saliva or water to clean/store your lens. 3. Never mix old solutions with new ones. 4. Wash and dry your hands properly before inserting them. 5. keep short nails to avoid damage to the lens or eyes. 6. Never smoke, shower or swim with them on. 7.Never sleep with lens on unless doctor recommends it. 8. Change your lens and case regularly. 9. Never share your lenses. 10. Do not use the right contact lens on the left eye, and vice v...

RULE 20-20-20

You can't keep your eyes away from your phone for 10 minutes yet you keep complaining of headache, neck pain, back pain, blurry vision, tearing. ❤️ Permit me to share a secret with you! There's something called 20-20-20 RULE!!! ❤️ It simply means that while using any digital device look at something 20 feet away (.ie. something far away from you) every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. ❤️ You geht it right? (In chigirl'svoice)✌️ Try it now before scrolling to the next post!!!  ❤️


Most of us ABUSE OUR GLASSES!!! We're all standing on this table I'm shaking now. ❤️ There are so many "NORMAL" ways we handle our glasses which is actually "NOT NORMAL". ❤️ Watch this video laugh at your mistakes😂 and learn the appropriate ways of handling your glasses!!! Eye Health 365
Are we still on this matter? Wow your case is even worse. you've been diagnosed and you don't want to start treatment. This simply means you don't love your sight! I guess you'll wake up when your VISION IS TOTALLY GONE! Make hay while the sun shine, a stick in time saves nine!!! @eyehealth365
You've been diagnosed of GLAUCOMA, and you have eye drops to help control your EYE PRESSURE, yet you choose not to use it as prescribed by your EYE DOCTOR which is very dangerous for your vision. ~ ~ I guess most of us do not really understand what we mean when we say high EYE PRESSURE worsens vision by destroying the OPTIC NERVE that carries information to the brain. ~ Let's use the ILLUSTRATION below to explain better                                 👇 In this context;         OPTIC NERVE is a WHITE PAPER,         HIGH EYE PRESSURE is  FIRE,         EYEDROP is the FIRE EXTINGUISHER! ❤️ ❤️ The FIRE (high eye pressure) burns the white paper (eye optic nerve). If the FIRE continues the paper keeps burning, and remember the burnt black paper can never become white again. ~ ~ This literally  means that the higher the EYE PRE...


Mr. ITK brought out a tiny dirty bottle from his pocket and dropped on the table. I asked him what the challenge was and he  angrily said "doc this EYEDROP dem give me don worsen my case, see as my eye don red finish even yellow discharge don dey commot from my eyes. Na only eye dey pain me before but after I put this thing for my eyes yawa just gas for my eye". ~ I picked the bottle, inspected it and discovered the eye drop bottle was seriously contaminated and the tip was wider than normal. After some examinations I discovered Mr ITK's eyes were severely infected. ~ ~ Doc: Mr ITK how did you open the eye drop tip? Mr. ITK: when I remove the cover of the bottle, I use sciccors cut the tip of the bottle so EYEDROP go fit comot the bottle enter my eye since super glue pin no fit do am. Doc: That's not the right way, if you want to open the tip, uncover the EYEDROP bottle and then cover it back but this time press the cover harder so that the pin-like struc...


Yes ooo, are you surprised I'm bringing this up? There's something we really need to talk about🤔, just drop your reply and I'll unleash the surprise in the next post😄. See you later!!!🤗🤗


My neighbor a 10 year old boy woke up this morning with a boil-like swelling on his left upper eyelid. His siblings laughed at him and said the boil-like swelling was as a result of his stingy attitude. ~ ~ Well fast forward to this afternoon in the clinic, I told the young kid to explain everything to me, and the only thing he was able to say was "Ma, this thing on my eye has happened to my lower eyelid before and it went on it's own, and it doesn't even pain me I'm just worried about the way it's making my eyes look everytime it appears. ~ ~ After a comprehensive examination, I realised the boy has what is called CHALAZION. ~ CHALAZION is a painless persistent bump or swelling of the inside part of the upper or lower eyelid, caused by a blockage of one of the glands in the eyelid.  It may start as a small, red, tender area in the eyelid. Days later, it may change to a painless lump in the eyelid. ~ ~ CAUSE: A chalazion occurs when the opening of an ...


Now you know the parts of the eye seen through a mirror ✌️


It's high time you stopped miscalling the parts of your eye. You're entitled to knowing the various parts of your eye. After the next post, you'll need to stop calling your pupil iris😀 or calling your eyelid eyelash✌️


Dear Contact Lens User,      This is for you, practice these hygiene habits and say no INFECTIONS!!


"Doc good morning, please eeh is there any way you can make my arm longer because I noticed that I'm no longer able to read my Bible and newspaper or anything written in tiny prints the way I used to, unless I move it very far away from me. Infact i think my arms are now shorter, if you can make my arm longer I'll be very grateful. I even noticed that I no longer see objects very close to me clearly,  water comes out of my eyes, and my eye pains  me whenever I try to look at my Bible or phone" ~ ~ This was the  complaint of a 41 year old man, and the eye condition is known as PRESBYOPIA. ~ ~ PRESBYOPIA is an age-related condition whereby there's a gradual loss of near focusing ability,  due to hardening of the lens of the eye causing the eye to focus light behind rather than on the retina when looking at close objects, and it can only be corrected with the use of Prescription glasses. ~ ~ CAUSE Aging resulting in hardening of the lens of th...


This bug here👇will eat your eyes😱 if you don't maintain healthy contact lens hygiene habits. ~ ~ Avoid swimming/bathing with your contact lenses on. If your contact lens Solution is finished, get a new one. Avoid the use of tap/chlorinated water to clean or store them. This is to avoid this sight threatening infection called ACANTHAMOEBA KERATITIS. ~ ~ Acanthamoeba is a form of microscopic amoeba that lives in the environment. Acanthamoeba can be found in dust, soil, seawater, freshwater (including rivers, lakes, unchlorinated pools), tap water, bottled water, and chlorinated spas and swimming pools. ~ ~ Acanthamoeba keratitis is a painful infection of the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye). It can lead to: • Permanent  blindness in the affected eye. • Unsightly opacity of the eye. • In some cases, loss of the eye. Early detection is difficult, but essential for effective treatment. ~ ~ The symptoms are: • Eye pain • Eye redness • Light sensiti...


I had a very sickening and heart breaking moment with a patient today.😩😩 ~ ~ The young man came in complaining he couldn't see with his two eyes. After questioning him I realised my guy had a wood trauma last year on his left eye. I asked what kind of treatment he received and which hospital he visited. He told me he didn't visit any hospital, that all he did to clear the redness from his eye was to bake clay after which he soaked the baked clay inside fuel poured into a big bowl. 😱😱😱 He said he was advised to put his head into the bowl containing baked clay and fuel, cover his head with blanket and open his eyes wide in order for whatever the combo was emmiting to enter his eye!!! His neighbours told him to try it out that it MIGHT WORK FOR HIM (EXPERIMENT). Father Lord!!! ~ ~ Well I asked if it worked and he told me "doc if the thing work for me u think say I go dey your hospital today, the pain be lyk say knife dey Chuck me for my 2 eyes, I no dey fi...


When she was first diagnosed of GLAUCOMA, it hit her hard. She thought "Oh no, it cannot happen to me, I'm too young for this, why me?" She was so distressed she didn't know anything about this THIEF OF SIGHT called GLAUCOMA, all she knew was that she could go BLIND. ~ ~ She said "I'm quite an independent lady and I would hate to be dependent on anyone cuz of blindness". The thought was very scary. ~ ~ Now back to YOU, yes YOU reading this now, • Do u know there is an eye disease called GLAUCOMA (related to high eye pressure which can damage the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain). • Do u know that GLAUCOMA can steal your sight? • Do u know that initially u might not notice any symptoms, not even pain. You may even bump into things because you're loosing the outer edge of your vision? •Do u know that u have a high chance of developing GLAUCOMA if u have parents, siblings, or grandparents living with glaucoma? •If u hav...


Have you heard about RETINOBLASTOMA? RETINOBLASTOMA is a malignant eye tumor usually seen in children, that arises in cells in the developing retina that contain cancer-predisposing mutations in both copies of the gene RB1. It is usually cancerous. The inherited form of RETINOBLASTOMA is usually present at birth as multiple tumors in both eyes.😱😱😱 We can call RETINOBLASTOMA cancer of the eye seen in children. Retinoblastoma is a curable, rare and deadly blinding disease. Although RETINOBLASTOMA is relatively uncommon, it can have devastating consequences for the children affected by it. If treated too late, it can lead to the loss of the eye, invasion of the brain and death. SOME SIGNS OF RETINOBLASTOMA 1. Something white in the center of the eye. 2. Squint (one eye turns in or out) 3. Forward displacement of the eye. 4. Nystagmus (constant eye movements). 5. Enlargement of the eye. 6. A visible tumour. This occurs in the late stage. Seek help urgently...


Control of general health conditions like measles, and Vitamin A deficiency can help prevent blindness in children. ❤️ The following are the 10 key activities for healthy eyes in children released by World Health Organization!! ❤️ 1. Give vitamin A supplements to children routinely. 2. Give vitamin A supplements to mother's after delivery. 3. Promote breastfeeding and good nutrition. 4. Give vitamin A supplements to children with measles or Malnutrition. 5. Immunise children against measles. 6. Clean the eyes of all babies at delivery and apply antibiotic eye drops or tetracycline eye ointment. 7. Keep children's faces clean. 8. Refer children with poor vision or white pupils to an optometrist. 9. Avoid the use of traditional eye medicines. 10. Refer children with history of injury to an optometrist.