Exercise your Civic rights today by casting your votes wisely and not your boxing rights by flexing your arms else you might leave with this today!!!👇 Photo Credit: Community Eye Health Journal EYE TRAUMA is a leading cause of visual loss and blindness that frequently affects both young people and old people. It Refers to any injury to the eye. The injury may have been due to mechanical trauma (blunt or penetrating), chemical agents, or radiation (ultraviolet or ionising). CAUSES 1. Blow to the eye 2. Cut or scratch on the eye 3. Chemical burn 1. BLOW TO THE EYE: using a fist, wood, metal, or any object at all. A direct blow to the eye can damage the eyeball, the supporting muscles and ligaments, the eyelid, or the bony eye socket (orbit). 2. CUT OR SCRATCH ON THE EYE: getting poked in the eye with a knife, finger nail, bottle, sand, dust 3. CHEMICAL BURN: • Acid: As a general rule, acids can cause considerable redness and burning but can be washed ou...