Want to make your eyes a bit more dramatic? Mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner can certainly help your eyes stand out giving you a beautiful and more confident look.
 But if putting on eye cosmetics is part of your daily routine, you should know about some healthy tips.
Eye cosmetics are generally safe materials — as long as you use them properly. Over time, all kinds of things can grow in those pretty little cosmetic packages. Bacteria and fungi can multiply, and if you continue to decorate your eyes with this makeup, you're transferring those germs directly to your eyes.
Old habits are hard to break. Sometimes you have been doing your makeup, routine in one way for so long that it seems impossible to change things up. However, some of your makeup habits could be doing more to harm your skin than beautify it. Luckily, it is easy to make small changes in your beauty routine to improve your health in the long run.

After all, cosmetic products are supposed to make you happy, not sick! Below are a few healthy tips on eye makeup habits.

1. Don't hold unto an old eye makeup: The effects of expired makeup may not be worth the risk.
Even if the make up is unopened discard them if you've had them for a long time.

2. Don't use mascara that's dried out — and never attempt to moisten it with your saliva or water. It’s best to replace mascara every two to four months, or sooner if it’s dried. A tip: Keep a permanent marker in your make-up kit, and mark the date you open a new tube of mascara, so you won’t use it past its shelf-life.

3. Keep eye cosmetics cool — Avoid storing them in a steamy environment. This makes your eye cosmetics a breeding area for infection transmitting bacterias.

4. Don't mix and match cosmetics: Use what's intended for your eyes on your eyes only — don't use the same pencil for both lips and eyes, as that can introduce bacteria from your lips to your eyes. Avoid using your lip liner as an eyeliner and vice versa.

5. Never share your cosmetics: Do you share your toothbrush? I guess your answer is NO. Why then will you share your makeup brushes. Toothbrush can transfer bacterias, makeup  brushes do thesame too.

6. Skip eye cosmetics when you've got an irritated or infected eye — and if you think that a particular cosmetic is irritating your eyes, stop using it right away.Avoid the use of eye cosmetic when you have an infection, do not try to conceal your eye irritations with eye makeup to avoid reinfection.

7. Keep eye cosmetics outside of your eye — don't use eyeliner on the inner eyelids, where makeup can get inside your eye.  It can block the pores on the eyelid responsible for producing oil in the eye.

8. Wipe your eye makeup every night:  In fact, being able to wipe your eye make off your eyes every night is more important compared to applying it in the morning.

9. Avoid Shiny/Glittery eye cosmetics:  they may contain ingredients that could scratch or irritate the eye, they can become toxic overtime, thereby causing severe harm to the eyes.

10. Wash/Replace Eye Cosmetics:  it's a good idea to wash or replace all brushes and sponges frequently. Do not overuse your makeup brushes.

11. Wash /Dry your hands: This habit is very necessary before and after eye make application, wash and dry your hands properly. Your hands are breeding areas for bacterias, if not properly cleaned it can transfer bacterias to the the eye cosmetics which will in turn be transferred to your eyes causing complications.

I hope the following healthy tips have helped you!!!

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